The Giant Sequoia is found on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada . A Sequoia is estimated to weigh as much as 2500 metric tons! If you wanted to know how old a tree was after it had been cut down, you could look at the stump, and count the number of rings it has. Once you figure that out, you'll know how old the tree is (was). Some trees have been 2300 years of age. However, some other trees have lived up to 4000 years!
The leaves on a Giant Sequoia are scale like and lie close to the branches. The bark is spongy in texture. The wood is light, and highly resistant to insects and fire.
At one time, the most popular Sequoia was the dawn redwood. Its height is just about 100 feet and its diameter is about 6 feet.
Do you see that picture next to this. That little red dot is actually a person standing next to the Giant Sequoia! Can you believe it?
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